Air Quality: Another slap for our territories

"The proposal for a Directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe, which is part of the disastrous Green Deal package, aims at further improving air quality in the EU.


While we agree with the importance of prioritising the health of citizens and the consequent need to reduce air pollution, the Commission's proposal, and especially the Parliament's position as drafted by the socialist Rapporteur, contain numerous criticisms.


The implementation of such a proposal would have serious economic and social implications on large territories of the EU, and especially on Italy, for which it is already difficult to reach the current limit, due to the morphological and climatic conditions of its territories.


For these reasons, we have tabled a motion to reject the proposal during the vote in Plenary, to underline once again our opposition to these type of unrealistic measures.


As usual, this Commission, blinded by its "green ideology", does not take into account the characteristics of our territories, thus risking to damage the economy of some EU regions."