Study Days 2021 - Trieste/Ljubljana

"The experience of the recent Study Days in Trieste and Ljubljana has been very useful and instrumental to further the discussion on the issues that for our political group represent the key challenges that Europe cannot escape.


We have reaffirmed the importance of the identity of our nations, to be preserved also through the guarantee of the economic development of the continent and widespread welfare in each of our countries. We shared common concerns about the security of our borders, threatened by uncontrolled migratory flows that occur daily along the Balkan route.

We also had a fruitful meeting with Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Janša, who is currently leading the EU Council Presidency for the European Semester, with whom we exchanged views on immigration, the Balkans, EU enlargement, and the future of relations between Europe and Turkey.


It was a look towards the future and all that there is to do with the ID Group, but also a moment of meditation: during the visit to the 'Foiba of Basovizza', we paid a moving tribute to the memory of the thousands of victims of the atrocities of the communist regime.


The outcome of the experience of the Study Days in Trieste and Ljubljana is extremely positive and constructive for the strengthening of a project of sharing and team building that will lead us to repeat similar initiatives soon. With the aim to build an even stronger alternative to today's Europe more and more hostage of the left and far from the real needs of its citizens."






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