Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond - Estonia




Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond

The Estonian Conservative People’s Party (EKRE) is a national conservative party that is founded on the idea of the continuity of the Republic of Estonia and on the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, and unites the people who stand for the nation state, the traditional values of society, and democratic principles.

The Estonian Conservative People's Party believes in a Europe of nation states, where power is not concentrated in the hands of the European Commission and the countries decide for themselves what is best for them. According to the party, the European Union must return to its roots, which is economic cooperation, not a federation.

In the parliamentary elections in March 2019, the party received 17.8% of the votes and thus 19 seats in the Riigikogu (parliament). In the European elections in May 2019, the party won 12.7% of the vote and won one mandate.

The Estonian Conservative People’s Party is in government from the April 2019 and has five ministers: the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Rural Affairs, the Minister of the Environment and the Minister of Foreign Trade and IT.

Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond - Estonia 


Jaak Madison is a National Conservative who has been elected to the European Parliament for the first time. He has previously been elected twice to the National Parliament, where he has been Vice-Chair of the Committee on European Union Affairs for four years and Chair of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs for two months before coming to the European Parliament.

In the European Parliament, he is the main member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and an alternate member of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) and the Committee on Civil Liberties (LIBE).

Madison has a Bachelor of Laws degree, completed in 2023 at the Faculty of Law at University of Tartu. In addition to his mother tongue, Estonian, he speaks English, Finnish, Swedish and German.